data_width | natural := 26 |
| Size of the data inside a packet sent between components.
tari_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the TARI time parameter.
mask_width | natural := 6 |
| Size of the mask that indicates how many bits of the packet are in use.
data_size | natural := 32 |
| Size of the packets including the mask.
clk | in | std_logic |
| | Clock input.
rst | in | std_logic |
| | Reset high.
avs_address | in | std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' ) |
| | Points to the specific address in the memory bank.
avs_read | in | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Indicates a read request if high.
avs_readdata | out | std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' ) |
| | Data being read from the avs_address.
avs_write | in | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Indicates a write request if high.
avs_writedata | in | std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' ) |
| | Data being written to the avs_address.
rfid_tx | out | std_logic |
| | Reader output.
rfid_rx | in | std_logic |
| | Reader input.
Project top level, instantiates the sender, receiver and Avalon Interface. This component encopasses the whole project. Instantiating the Avalon Interface allows for communication between hardware and software, or, in other words, the NIOS II and the IP RFID.
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