clk | in | std_logic |
| | Clock input.
rst | in | std_logic |
| | Reset high.
enable | in | std_logic |
| | Enable high.
data_DUT | in | std_logic |
| | Encoded data received from the TAG.
tari_101 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% above tari limit
tari_099 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% below tari limit
tari_1616 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% above 1.6 tari limit
tari_1584 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% below 1.6 tari limit
clr_err_decoder | in | std_logic |
| | Flag clears decoder error.
err_decoder | out | std_logic |
| | Flag decoder error indicator.
rdreq | in | std_logic |
| | Flag FIFO read request.
sclr | in | std_logic |
| | Flag FIFO clear.
empty | out | std_logic |
| | Flag that indicates if the FIFO has no more data stored.
full | out | std_logic |
| | Flag that indicates if the FIFO has run out of space.
data_out_fifo | out | std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) |
| | Packet sent from the FIFO to the Avalon Interface.
usedw | out | std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 ) |
| | Number of valid packets in the FIFO.
The data is received bit by bit, and thus needs to be first gouped in pairs, in order to be decoded, since the TAG also uses the FM0 encoding.
After this, the decoded bits are stored in a FIFO until the packet is complete and ready to be sent back to the NIOS II.
If the command ends before the packet is completed, a mask is sent to denote which bits of the packet are actually data.