tari_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the TARI time parameter.
pw_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the PW time parameter.
delimiter_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the delimiter time parameter.
RTcal_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the receiver transmitter callibration time parameter.
TRcal_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the transmitter receiver callibration time parameter.
clk | in | std_logic |
| | Clock input.
rst | in | std_logic |
| | Reset high.
enable | in | std_logic |
| | Enable high.
start_send | in | std_logic |
| | Flag indicates a new encoded packet must be sent.
is_preamble | in | std_logic |
| | Flag indicates preamble if high; framesync if low.
tari | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | Time parameter.
pw | in | std_logic_vector ( pw_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | PW parameter.
delimiter | in | std_logic_vector ( delimiter_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | Delimiter parameter.
RTcal | in | std_logic_vector ( RTcal_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | Receiver transmitter callibration parameter.
TRcal | in | std_logic_vector ( TRcal_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | Transmitter receiver callibration parameter.
has_ended | out | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Flag indicates packet has been sent.
data_out | out | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Generator - preamble or framesync - signal.
◆ ieee
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- fpga/RTL/signal_generator.vhd