Signals | Types | Processes
arch Architecture Reference


fm0_controller  ( clk , rst , enable )
data_sender  ( clk , rst , enable , data_sender_end )
half_tari  ( clk , rst , enable )
full_tari  ( clk , rst , enable )
wait_CS_tari  ( clk , rst , enable )


state_type_controller ( c_wait , c_wait_send , c_request , c_wait_tari_CS , c_start_send , c_wait_request )
state_type_sender ( s_wait , s_send_s1 , s_send_s2 , s_send_s2_part2 , s_send_s3 , s_send_s3_part2 , s_send_s4 , s_end )


data  std_logic_vector ( data_width - 1 downto 0 )
mask  std_logic_vector ( mask_width - 1 downto 0 )
mask_value  integer
tari_value  integer
data_sender_start  std_logic := ' 0 '
data_sender_end  std_logic := ' 0 '
half_tari_start  std_logic := ' 0 '
half_tari_end  std_logic := ' 0 '
full_tari_start  std_logic := ' 0 '
full_tari_end  std_logic := ' 0 '
tari_CS_start  std_logic := ' 0 '
tari_CS_end  std_logic := ' 0 '
state_controller  state_type_controller := c_wait
state_sender  state_type_sender := s_wait

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