tari_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the TARI time parameter.
clk | in | std_logic |
| | Clock input.
rst | in | std_logic |
| | Reset high.
enable | in | std_logic |
| | Enable high.
clr_err | in | std_logic |
| | Flag clears error indicator.
clr_eop | in | std_logic |
| | Flag clears EOP indicator.
err | out | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Flag high if error ocurred.
eop | out | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Flag high if EOP detected.
tari_101 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% above tari limit
tari_099 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% below tari limit
tari_1616 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% above 1.6 tari limit
tari_1584 | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | 1% below 1.6 tari limit
data_in | in | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Encoded bits from the TAG.
data_ready | out | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Flag indicates encoded bit is valid.
data_out | out | std_logic := ' 0 ' |
| | Decoded bit going to the package constructor.
◆ ieee
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