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The Beginning of Our Story

Insper, a college located in São Paulo, Brazil, offers an engineering program that includes a final project known as "PFE" (Projeto Final de Engenharia). This project, integral to the 8th semester of the engineering course, involves students working in groups of three or four. They collaborate directly with companies to develop their projects over a semester and present their findings to a jury at the semester's end.

A key partnership is between Insper and Embraer, facilitated through the Mei hub platform which connects companies like Embraer with universities to collaborate on developmental projects. Embraer, a major aerospace manufacturer, has chosen to work with Insper on the "Drone Swarm Search" project. This initiative focuses on deploying a swarm of drones to locate a target within a designated area quickly and efficiently.

Representing Embraer in this collaboration is Dr. José Fernando Basso Brancalion, while Insper's faculty representative is Dr. Fabrício Barth.

Dr. Fabrício Barth

Dr. José F. B. Brancalion
Representante da Embraer

In early 2023, the initial phase of this project commenced with four students: Enrico Damiani, Manuel Castanares, Luis Filipe Carrete, and Leonardo Malta. They focused on developing a search environment and applying Reinforcement Learning algorithms.

Enrico Damiani

Manuel castanares

Luis Filipe Carrete

Leonardo Malta

The project continued into 2024 with a fresh group of four students: Pedro Henrique Britto Aragão Andrade, Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, Jorás Oliveira, and Renato Laffranchi, tasked with enhancing the realism of the Search Environment and developing a new Coverage Environment. Their goal is also to enrich the repository for the open-source community, further advancing the application of Reinforcement Learning algorithms.

Pedro H. B. A. Andrade

Ricardo R. Rodrigues

Jorás Oliveira

Renato Laffranch

Published under the MIT License.