data_width | natural := 26 |
| Size of the data inside a packet sent between components.
tari_width | natural := 16 |
| Bits reserved for the TARI time parameter.
mask_width | natural := 6 |
| Size of the mask that indicates how many bits of the packet are in use.
clk | in | std_logic |
| | Clock input.
rst_fm0 | in | std_logic |
| | Reset high.
enable_fm0 | in | std_logic |
| | Enable high.
encoder_ended | out | std_logic |
| | Flag high if encoder has no more data to send.
clear_fifo | in | std_logic |
| | Clears all data from the FIFO.
fifo_write_req | in | std_logic |
| | Flag to write new data on the FIFO.
is_fifo_full | out | std_logic |
| | Flag that indicates if the FIFO has run out of space.
usedw | out | std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 ) |
| | Number of valid packets in the FIFO.
tari | in | std_logic_vector ( tari_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| | Time parameter.
data | in | std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) |
| | Packet to be encoded and sent to the TAG.
q | out | std_logic |
| | Modulated in FM0 out signal.
◆ ieee
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