
The main purpose of the project was to develop a conformance tester for the EPC-GEN2 protocol TAGs. Doing so required thorough understanding of most of the EPC-GEN2 UHF RFID protocol throughout each member of the group; development of complex VHDL components that operated through state machines; development of a NIOS II soft processor in C programming language that included all of the protocol’s mandatory commands, as well as other customizations for testing purposes; as well as building the Avalon Interface that intermediates the processor and IP core communication.

The group as a whole had to do an extensive research on all these topics to learn how to implement the code, as well as understand the protocol to have a clear image of what the conformance tester should be evaluating in a TAG.

The team

This page is to give a brief description of the team responsible for the development of this project.

Alexandre Almeida Edington

GitHub profile:

Bio: Computer engineering student in the 9th period, passionate about front-end development and user experience. Mainly responsible for this project’s GitHub-pages and Doxygen documentation.

Bruno Signorelli Domingues

GitHub profile:

Bio: Computer engineering student in the 8th semester, interested in backend and data science. Listens to music and games in the spare time. Mainly responsible for the hardware implementation of the project in the DE-10 Standard Board.

Lucas Leal Vale

GitHub profile:

Bio: Computer engineering student in the 8th period, Hardware enthusiast and passionate to it, interested in backend development. Mainly responsible for the Nios soft processor and software implementations of this project.

Rafael dos Santos

GitHub profile:

Bio: Computer engineering student in the 8th period, interested in game development and hardware advances. Mainly responsible for the VHDL development in this project.